Ladies, You Must Invest NOW!

We are facing one of the most challenging crises in our modern era. It is time we all answer the call. It is time we all review our conception of life, life advocacy and priorities in front of our societies and ourselves.

Ladies, this is rather an opportunity to take an honest check in to assess Your life in every area:

Health, education, career, wealth, spirituality, friends, family, financial security, relationships and answer in all honestly: are You proud and energized with the answers?

I doubt!

We noticed for the last 30 to 50 years ago that Ladies invest more and more in their education, career, and, most importantly, their loved ones. However, they invest less FOR themselves and their own financial security.

Discover why taking care of Your financial situation is crucial and You must invest today!

For a number of reasons, Ladies are at a high risk of facing financial difficulties, every time they undergo some life events and especially later in life.

Saving money won’t do it. Investing is the only way Ladies can achieve financial security over the long run.

There was just no place where a Lady, European or not, can learn about investing in a way that she enjoys ideas, explanations about how to build wealth in an entertaining, but efficient way like I do. I make sure to use lively examples that are easy to understand.

My goal is to empower You to get started with investing and gain confidence in Your own financial choices.

The advice I give You is tailored-made to help You getting over fears and get started with investing to achieve financial security. And doing so in a way that is time-efficient, impactful and sustainable for the planet and society.

Ladies make less money than men do

We add nothing new saying that Ladies make less money than Men do. My views have completely changed when I was caught up by my personal experience.

So why is investing money necessary? Let’s find it out.

1 – Women get paid less

For every dollar a man earns, on average a Lady is paid 54 cents world-wide. Based on today’s rate of progress, it will take 202 years for this gap to close, according to the World Economic Forum. There are many factors behind the wage disparity between men and women.

2 – Ladies often choose low-paying careers

They choose different occupations from men because of social expectations and environments, personal references and preferences, and more. Ladies are frequently attracted to low-paying industries and jobs.

Very early, I was very mindful of, and one of the reasons I chose a career in private sector and finance.

3 – Ladies worldwide are more likely than men to work part-time

Ladies are expected and often choose to dedicate a large part of their time to the care of their children.

This means fewer hours at work or a switch to part-time employment, which in turn affects their financial compensation, including base salary, bonus, and other advantages.

Even after my son was born, I decided to keep working full-time. This is because I knew reducing my work time would result significantly in reduced pay and promotions.

4 – Children hurt Ladies wages

According to OECD data, the motherhood penalty amounts to about a 7% wage reduction per child*. Many Ladies choosing additional unpaid leave periods. Also, many Ladies decide to quit working to devote their time and energy to raising their kids, resulting in a loss of income. Needless to say, these parental leaves and departures from work have a significant impact on how much money Ladies bring home.

I left my job shortly after getting pregnant for a variety of reasons. This was back in 2000. Being pregnant, I was not in a position to look for another job directly. And it took me an additional year after having given birth to find another job opportunity.

Moreover, there is a significant amount of non-paid work associated with running a household and raising children.

*World Economic Forum Data

5 – Ladies are promoted less than men

Ladies are more likely to be ‘top performers,’ but less likely to be the boss. Because of family obligations, Ladies are often moved into support roles, instead of considered for top management positions. Ladies disappear from career and leadership promotions at most stages of professional life.

According to the 2018 “Women in the Workplace” report by McKinsey, and further to bias at hiring time, men hold 62% of manager positions, while Ladies hold only 38% of them.

6 – Ladies mostly adapt their lives to arrange their men’s career

This issue is very widespread.

It usually goes like this: When the husband gets an opportunity to go to work or study abroad. This is such an exciting adventure! And this is why they both decide to go.

However, when the wife moves along, she often struggles to find a job, which ends in near career suicide and lots of frustration as well as emotional distress. Not only does it severely diminish her income, but also it takes a toll on her well-being and on their relationship.

7 – Retirement and lower pension contributions

Now let’s look at how the fact that Ladies earn less impacts their retirement.

Unfortunately, being paid less and promoted less, mean that Ladies typically accumulate far lower contributions to pension plans than men do.

8 – Ladies live longer than men

And here is the irony: Ladies need more money for their retirement years than men do. And this is just because we live longer than them.

So, if we contribute less but then we need more, how does that work from a financial point of view? It does not.

9 – Many Ladies divorce, or lose their husbands and remain … single

One of my Russian female clients told me: “I don’t need to invest because my husband is taking care of this.”

Let’s reflect on this for a second: What if she and her husband end up divorcing?

Unfortunately, I have many single girlfriends. I am sure you do too.

Sometimes our romantic life doesn’t unfold exactly as we had imagined it. Which is why many Ladies remain single for the long term. And why they need to plan for their financial security.

In 2017, the divorce rate in Switzerland was striking as much as 40%. And that excludes the separation of unmarried couples with children.

Not mentioning the impact of the lockdown on the quality and destiny of couples after this crisis!

That means, when we get married, we have 40% chance at least of getting divorced.

Of course, it doesn’t feel that way when we are young and in love. But stats don’t lie.

That’s why MY Financial Security is MY Responsibility!!!…

Everything may happen

What if Ladies go through other forms of difficulties, like having the husband dying unexpectedly in a traffic accident? I do know intimately what does it mean…

Or what if he goes on to suffer severe health disabilities or becomes an alcoholic, lose himself his job…?

This kind of “accidents” are part of life, and they usually have a very painful impact on Ladies’ financial situation.

I witnessed that as a child … When my father died suddenly in a road accident, my mother’s financial situation was dramatically altered.

Fortunately, she received survivor benefits. But these have been severally reduced for the following reasons:

  1. Because my father was too young at that time (27 years old) and did not contributed enough to meet full conditions for benefits.
  2. He was not supposed to drive at that moment because of a health problem, which had consequently severely reduced survivor benefits.

Nobody thinks of that beforehand.

10 – Ladies are better investors than men, here the good news!

What if my Russian female client’s husband does a poor job at investing the money?

But he looks like he knows what he is doing. He is undoubtedly very confident about it. Right?

Well, actually, several studies have shown that Ladies are better investors than men, that means shifting to a long-term focus, saving more up front and giving up on trying to time the market with brilliant trades.

Another outperformance aspect: Ladies assume less risk, though more opportunistic through subscribing to well-structured private equity projects, selected based on a socially responsible and sustainable vision. Whereas, not loading up entirely on equities. They also invest more in vehicles like target-date funds, whose automatic allocations make for smarter diversification.

“Men regard their stock picks as a sport that comes with bragging rights, and that is what gets them into trouble,” said George Gagliardi, a financial planner in Lexington, Massachusetts.

So, how can You achieve Your FINANCIAL SECURITY?

If we make less, need more, and don’t rely on someone else, what can we do to remain financially secure?

You know where I am going with this: You need to invest NOW!

Because investing is the only way to grow Your money beyond what You earn. And by that, I mean building wealth to hundreds of thousands and even millions.

Because if You need money for 30 or 40 years or more after You retire (or even earlier like in my case), it’s really not that much.

Because if You need an average amount of USD 3,000 per month for a descent living from the age of 55 to 95, that’s a total of at least USD 1.4 million, not counting sporadic additional expenses in case of health problems for instance.

This is why investing money is Your urgent action to be handled NOW!… So, let me help You to invest the right way in line with Your values and life advocacy, and start as early as possible with whatever amount You have.

Want to start investing? Then contact me on

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