Let’s Talk About YOU!

Ladies, all the ladies, louder now, help me out,

Come on, all the ladies – let’s talk about You, alright!
And about Your needs in lifestyle, money, retirement, cash, financing and portfolio.

Shall we talk about Your money? Or we shouldn’t? Come on why not?

People might misunderstand what we’re trying to say, You know? No, but that’s part of life. Talking about money is talking about power. Money is part of power and part of life too!

Why men are afraid if You controlled Your money by Yourself? Why all societies through history did everything to make a tabou of You ladies disposing of Your own body, Your own money and Your own destiny?

Why it is a danger for men that You are or that You become FREE, SOVEREIN and … ALIVE? By Yourselves and for Yourselves!

What we have here is subject to controversy …

Let’s talk about You, Your money and deep wishes, Your craziest dreams, Your terrific investments projects, life philosophy and retirement projections. Let’s talk about how You plan Your business. For the sake of whom primarily? What are Your priorities when You plan Your career, Your financials?

Most of us, if not all of us, we are used to make our decisions generally based on others’ interests: our kids or our family first? Not always considering FIRST our interests, our needs and our own business?

Did you ever think about Your investments’ priorities and only Yours when You discuss with Your advisor Your portfolio asset allocation strategy, time horizon, risk assessment and targeted ROI? Regardless Your family situation and obligations?

Ladies, what do You take into consideration when You conceive Your lifestyle needs? Based on Your inheritance? Based on Your husband financial situation and career requirements, kids studies? Or based on Your own life philosophy, on Your business projects, on Your very special investment vision?

Are You really LEADING Your life? Don’t You think that You compromise a considerable part of Your dreams and vision to accommodate other persons around You? Maybe to feel well, to honor Your position as a good wife, a sister or a mother, so that You continue to be socially well seen with a “buona figura”.

Are You aware of Your strength, Your power potential and what should be Your real positions, financial situations if You changed Your fundamentals of business thinking in a conscious way?

Our societies are historically structured for thousands of years to control You ladies, to tame You like we tame lions. You know why? Because they fear YOU! They fear You even though they love You, they admire You. However … they envy You too. Very simple.

They are not ready yet to share with You their power, priviledges and monopole on money, on Your body and on Your entire life. Money is power and power is FREEDOM to be what YOU WANT TO BE.

Are You ready to master Your life? NOW?

If yes, join Lady Expert Investor and allow Yourselves to change Your mind set and Your decision-making when talking about Your money, Your career, Your way of doing business, Your approach of managing Your wealth, and … Your DESTINY.

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