PRACTICE LevEragING in Life and Business … BE EMPOWERED!

A few years ago, I had a discussion with my mentor about my leverage. Even though he believed in my capabilities of growing, of leveraging my skills and assets to go always to the next level, he was questioning my “leverage” to challenge me even more.

The concept of LEVERAGE is the condition to get You better vision, career achievements, personal transformation, balanced financials, including self-esteem and fulfillment. And of any great relationship, be it business or personal, is looking someone in the eyes and truly hearing them. It’s a chance to use Your intuition, to read the person across from You to build a deep trust.

How to Create a Leverage … For Work and Life?

Leverage definition as per Cambridge Dictionary: To use something that you already have in order to achieve something new or better. Using a lever to exert force on another object. The traditional leverage business definition entails leveraging monetary strategies like debt and investment to secure financial growth and stability.


This definition does not provide the power of leveraging to enhance the remaining aspects of Your Life.

The concept of leveraging is based on fact that You don’t need to look outside Yourself for resources You don’t have. The whole point of leveraging is that You’re already equipped to succeed. When You leverage Your existing resources, they expand and multiply to produce additional assets.

What are the most important areas that You can leverage!

Assets You Can Leverage to Reach Your Highest Achievements

  • Human Capital
    Ladies, You will understand me very well if I told You that, Your human capital made of human, intellectual and financial assets, is one of the most powerful drivers of business success by all means!

    In life, leveraging relationships is particularly critical to keep going on. Invest wisely in Your people, first and foremost invest in Your staff, customers and wider industry network. Ensure that staff have the training, resources and Your support to do their jobs with passion and commitment. Establish a culture of innovation that values relationships and that will translate into greater profits.

  • Leverage Time or How You Master Your Time?

    Capital challenge is to manage Your time. We are living in a generation in which we traded effectiveness for “buzzyness”. We think we are buzzy that we are EFFECTIVE.

    Statistics say that only 20% persons leverage their time doing things that they are really gifted in, creative in, passioned about and exited to do.

    What’s about the remain 80%? They are just doing things to survive!

    Wonder what would happen to Your life, to Your business if You will leverage Your time by switching the 80% of Your “survival time” into real effectiveness doing things that You are gifted in and passioned about? Switching “buzzyness” into effectiveness!

    Determine where You bring the most value to Your business, family or career and invest Your energy in the tasks requiring those sophisticated skills.

    We all take all kinds of money management classes, but the most important leverage is Your most import resources: You need to value Your time!

  • Leverage Existent Achievements

    Your already reached achievements are very useful tools to leverage the ones to come. How can You use them as leverage in business? Can a recent award or recognition land you a new deal, higher salary, new partnership?

    You should consider whether You can spread that limited win to other areas of Your life.

  • Leverage Your Skills and Capabilities

    An authentic leverage definition recognizes the value of human capital, like Your skill set. Leverage Your capabilities and acquired skills by continually adding to them.

    Improved skills bring value to Your business, workplace and relationships. This eagerness to learn reflects a humble acknowledgment that you still have room to grow. Such a mindset is important when making business decisions such as when to go independent and establish Your own business on Your own for instance.

  • Leverage Your Network

    What is leverage in professional circles?

    Actually, I need to precise that I am not implying that You buddy up to people in a networking group in the hopes of getting business, freelance work or a job from them at all.

    With leverage, meaning You’re making full use of all Your resources, You’re cultivating relationships instead of forcing them. It’s about respect and collaboration.

    A connection may even be able to provide an introduction to a decision-maker at Your target company. As it may save You money through putting You in direct contact with the best expert You need to help in Your business.

  • Leverage Your Education

    Last and not least, Your education may have ended since a while, but have You explored the benefits it still offers?

    Leveraging Your skills and resources to unlock new opportunities for Yourself is crucial if You want to succeed in the professional world. Begin to extend Your potential today by learning to leverage the tools You already have at Your disposal.

To Sum Up

Despite above mentioned benefits of LEVRAGE, most of us don’t use its power in business or personal matters as much as we should.

Whether You are seeking strategies to develop Your business or transform Your relationships, understanding the power of leverage is the first step in expanding Your opportunities and overall fulfillment.

What I learned from my mentor is how important it is to keep practicing leverage in order to keep my standards really high and not settle for mediocrity anywhere.

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