Your Financial Security, Your Freedom!

What if You train Yourself to feel deep in Your heart and Your soul that You will be living always in abundance and prosperity, that You will possess an abundance that will enable you not only to take care of your beloved ones needs but even to enjoy helping others?

What if You train Yourself to be deeply convinced that no matter what happens in the economy, stock market, or real estate, You will have a financial certainty in uncertain times?

What if You would focus from now on ONLY on Your achievements and on Your positive state of mind. Focus on Your positive vibration to attract money and well-being, and this is regardless Your actual situation, the luck of returns and the luck of a “realistic” solution … To recover from fear, to feel financially secured for the rest of Your life?

We ALL dream of achieving real peace of mind, wealth and independence. It is all about achieving FREEDOM.

What does it mean to feel financially secured? To feel free?

Financial security is when Your basic needs are fulfilled. When You are not only confident that you will be always able to go over the storms, but mainly that You KNOW with an unwavering conviction that You will never let fear stay in Your guts, that Your portfolio balance will be always positive. The Maslow pyramid talks about 6 basic needs conditioning our basic fulfilment:

Résultat d’images pour maslow pyramide

In fact, It was never really a matter of money to feel safe and secured. I take no risk telling You that all what we experience in life is but the result of our level of our vibration, our convictions and archaic believes’ systems.

Studies showed that the most You focus on something, the most You attract it into Your life. So, if You focus on the luck of money, You will bring only miserable achievements and poverty, regardless how much You have on Your account.

Accordingly, If You focus on wealth, abundance, inner peace and financial security, You empower our brain and free Your resources to guide You to the best decisions and actions leading to achieve Your financial success. You will get rid of fears having the best presence of mind to conduct Your analysis and judgement, being a leader and not a follower.

Abundance is the pure expression of Your state of mind, Your deep feeling of wealth. It is Your attitude. Nevertheless, You should go through calculating Your budget to afford Your lifestyle and way of living. All is about choices.

But how to deal with the most insane financial crisis in the history?

Think of this: Investors have to pay banks nowadays to accept their hard-earned money, is there any reason left for the banking system anymore? We are witnessing a system that is punishing savers with negative yields! Even what are considered very safe bonds are giving 0.001% yield! So that You need more than 69,300 years to double Your money! What else?

How would we convince You Ladies to invest massively right NOW to avoid Your cash money devaluation? How would be investing nowadays the only salving solution for Your financial security and FREEDOM?

Let me tell You the good news:

  • You do not have to predict and time the market, as we can not control where the market is heading
  • In every bad time there are terrific opportunities, provided that we keep calm
  • We will keep focused only on what we can control, doing only what we master, our way to excellency
  • We will need to use insights, tools, skills and strategies, so You will know how to win during these most uncertain period
  • We should identify the players and their plans to avoid to get hurt. This is our way to FREEDOM

And last but not least: Is it just a strategy of buying and holding?

Buying and holding Index funds is the smartest strategy according to the most brilliant investors such as Warrant Buffet, Ray Dalio … A strategy matching the returns of the market rather trying to beat the market with small fees on top of that!

For that, You need to have nerves!

If you don’t know too much about markets, buy and hold makes sense for two reasons: Index funds are inexpensive and aren’t tied to the success of one single entity. the best way to invest Your money right now is to put it in a cheap S&P 500 Index fund. This is a way also to protect Your performance from the discrepancy between the market’s returns and the returns that people actually achieve.

We are emotional creatures

Our risk is that we are emotional creatures! We are able to undergo the emotional influence leading us to take awful decisions out of fear and … greed! As the legendary Princeton University economist Burton Malkiel says: “Emotions get ahold of us, and we, as investors, tend to do very stupid things.” For example, “we tend to put money into the market and take it out at exactly the wrong time.”

Here we will talk about discipline and how we adjust our behavior and avoid common mistakes driven by emotions for realizing our financial security pass through our emotional freedom too.

So, I will be waiting for You to shape your best winning investment strategy in order to guarantee to outmost balance between your basic needs and the feelings that you believe money create, bearing in mind that You are able to achieve that state of mind right now, regardless Your level of material wealth.


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